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Members rode a private ferry from Madison Park to reach the course, which was moved to The Highlands north of Seattle in 1908. The clubhouse, at the corner of Northeast 41st Street and Latimer, still stands as a private home., Under the settlement, the 401(k) plan will try to sell the properties and keep at least $4.5 million of the proceeds, the department said. If the land fails to sell in six years, C will buy it from the plan for $5 million, Bauer said., Dec 2:Holiday weekend shoppers came out in force but spent less this yearNov 30:Colorado small retailers set sights on Saturday shoppingSurge of electronics sales pushes games, toys off kids’ wish listsBlack Friday sales jump across the AtlanticNov 29:Walmart hit with widening protests on Black FridayBlack Friday would be gun purchases in the thousandsBattle for holiday shoppers heats up between Amazon and everyone elseTechnology digs deeper into personal shopping habitsHoliday shopping season opens on ThanksgivingBlack Thursday? Retailers give Thanksgiving Day shoppers earlier start on bargainsNov 25:Best Buy in Denver holds dress rehearsal to prepare for Black FridayPancakes and snow globes for intrepid early shoppersSaying “no, thanks”? Quietest remaining day is a WednesdayWith Facebook and Twitter dominating the online and mobile conversations, seemingly every major event is dubbed “social” these days, from the Olympics to the Oscars.Not surprisingly, the next few weeks will be referred to as the social shopping season, with more consumers expected to turn to the social networks to voice their opinions on stores and sales and to search for gift ideas, digital coupons and the best deals.Unlike in years past, Facebook and Twitter are publicly traded companies and, thus, under heavy pressure to show investors how they’ll grow ad revenue, particularly during the Christmas holidays when companies spend the biggest chunk of their marketing budgets.So it’s not surprising that Twitter recently commissioned a survey of 1,000 adults that found seven out of every 10 of its users say they’ll rely on the microblogging site to “enhance their Black Friday and Cyber Monday experiences.”Big box retailers such as Best Buy are jumping on board.”The retailers are realizing that social is providing an unsolicited recommendation engine,” said Tim Glomb, vice president of media and entertainment for Denver based Wayin, which is among a select number of companies that are certified product partners with Twitter.Chaired by Sun Microsystems co founder Scott McNealy, Wayin aggregates and visualizes social content.Best Buy is leveraging Wayin’s technology to display to shoppers online and in stores the products that are garnering the most buzz.”Everybody’s tweeting about their favorite products,” Glomb said.”When you Tweet, it counts,” the company states on the social site. “See what great Best Buy gifts Twitter users are talking about. Let Twitter users inspire you this holiday season and get the perfect gift for everyone on your list.”Black Friday (or Thursday) shoppers will likely see such social campaigns play out in stores, with the retailer feeding tweets that make it through Wayin’s algorithm in real time to big screen TVs and monitors.Fifty four percent of 1,400 American adults surveyed by Crowdtap, a social marketing and research platform, said they use social media while shopping in stores. Of those, 66 percent say they update their Facebook status to tell friends about deals.Fifty seven percent said recommendations from Facebook or Twitter would influence their gift purchases.”Twitter is my go to for holiday shopping,” said Erik Mitisek, a Denver entrepreneur and CEO of the Colorado Technology Association. “I create lists of stores, brands and items I like, using Twitter lists. Using a program called IFTTT (If This Then That), I can monitor specials on specific items across the lists I am looking to buy at these stores, and it texts me immediately. That way I can be the first to respond to a promotion or sale online. Geeky, but awesome.”Wayin’s social platform might have more impact when consumers are clicking away on their computers on Cyber Monday, which is the Monday after Thanksgiving and is marketed as one of the busiest online shopping days of the year.A Robert Half Technology survey of 2,300 chief information officers released last week found that fewer companies are blocking access by their employees to online shopping sites than a year ago. Twenty nine percent of those surveyed said their company blocks access to shopping sites, down from 33 percent in 2012.Ted Hellmuth, Denver division director for Robert Half Technology, said more companies are allowing employees to shop for gifts during work hours, in part because it may bolster productivity.”When employees are able to tackle personal to do lists at work, it can actually increase productivity because they are spared the traffic delays and long lines that accompany holiday crowds,” Hellmuth said.”Within reason, shopping online at work can actually be less hindering than taking two hour lunch breaks to go to the mall.”Robert Half Technology offers three tips for employees who might shop online at the office this holiday season:1. Understand the policy. Don’t assume your company’s web policy is unrestrictive just because you haven’t gotten official word. Check the company handbook, and ask around. If the policy is not clear, play it safe and use non work times like your lunch hour to shop.2. Don’t get ‘lost in cyberspace.’ With all the deals on Cyber Monday, you may be tempted to spend hours on end scooping up bargains. If your goal is to shop until you drop, take a vacation day.3. Limit online ‘window shopping.’ Conduct product research and price comparisons on your own time so you can make online purchases quickly and get back to work faster.锘縮olar water heaters are a viable option., cash vault hold ‘n’ link 無料スロットオンライン.
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